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A quick escape & Angela's baking

Christmas Eve I suddenly realised that with both a fridge & a toilet inside my vehicle I could actually go camping the night if I wanted... so after enjoying sunset at Henley Beach Leo the dog and I headed north west to the very 1st first Freedom camping spot I could find... which brought us to Clinton Conservation Area on the Yorke Penninsular.

Christmas day was spent exploring every beach & every little sidetrack I came across on the Yorke Peninsula between the Clinton Conservation Area and Corny Point on the other side of the Penninsular.

Being Leo's minder did restrict my access to most of what I consider the interesting spots, as we were not permitted to enter any of the conservation area's or national park's... as a result what I did in one day I would normally recommend allowing 3 days.

Leo sneaking in a quick kiss at Port Julia

A highlight of the day for me occurred at Port Julia where I got chatting to the lovely Angela.

As our conversation flowed she very generously shared with me her homemade seed crackers.

Funny enough, I had also made a batch of seek crackers the previous evening and had them with me too.... so it was seed cracker swapping / tasting time at the beach at Port Julia.

I love how life can do that.

Thank you Angela for your time, your generosity and your open spirit.

From Point Julia on to Marion Bay I didn't stop on many of the side roads, but continued to explore the little townships, enjoying the peacefulness of the roads on Christmas day.

As the day came to a close I found myself on the cliffs overlooking the beach just south of the Corny Point lighthouse.

Stunning spot. Ticked all the boxes for an overnight camping spot: beach, swim, sunset & peaceful,

The nights sleep was not comfy as I had not really planned on being away 2 nights and did not have enough bedding or warm clothes.... and my vehicle was not yet set up for camping out.

As soon as the sun was over the horizon in the morning we were on the road and began Boxing Day enjoying the golden morning light at Corny Point lighthouse.

Time to head for home, determined to get the vehicle ready for the next mission. 3.5 hour drive back to Adelaide with lots of stops to capture some images of golden scenery.



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