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Day Two & a thirsty kangaroo


Skated from Casuarina Camp Ground to the West Point Lighthouse overlooking Pondalowie Bay.

Stunning views up and down the coastline from the rock promentory.

Wild wind swept rocky promentory with automated lighthouse at its apex

Small plants forging a life in the barren rocky setting, flowers blooming.

Kestral swooping the cliff face below me.

Big vista's, the coastline stretching in both directions.


Swapped toys and wet exploring the Pondalowie Fire Track bu mountain bike.

The track is a fire access track that is blocked for vehicles, but suitable for pedestrians and cyclists.

Meandering trail begins in low scrub and moves out past a dry lake bed. stunning hardy scrubbery.

Don't make the mistake I did... when I stopped to take a photo of some emu waling in front of me I put my foot down on top of a large ant hill.... when I looked down my right shoe had disappeared beneath a sea of ants (yes just like in a bad old-style Harrison Ford-raiders-of-the-lost-arc-style movie.

I returned to camp to stock up on food and water before cycling the Gym Beach Walking Trail.

The tail is signed as being a 4 hr return walk, and was an easy and enjoyable cycle.

Mostly hard packed, narrow (1m wide) the trail that takes you through a variety of flora & environments.

Incredibly peaceful, good way to get up and personal with the native plants. even with stopping to take video and lots of photos as well as for lunch break along the way (in which I was very careful to ensure I did not sit on or near any ant hills) it took only an hour to cycle to Gym Beach..

Gym Beach - another beautiful beach, open bay, some sand, some large rocks.

Gym Beach Campground has only a few sites but they are large ones, my pick would be site number 5 which has loads of shelter and is secluded.

I highly recommend getting out of your car and walking or cycling these trails.

They introduce you to a different part of the park that you cannot see from your car or your campsite. The fire trail and the trek to Gym Beach take you away from the crowds and get you close to nature.

Tip of day - take lip balm with you, even on a cool day the atmosphere here in summer is so dry.

We are camping at Casuarina Camp Ground and have the pic of the sites, site number 7.

It is relatively private, has some shade and is close to the home territory of a friendly young male kangaroo who is very curious and comes in quite close to the camp site.

We left some water out for him, oh my... he was so very thirsty, check out our encounter with him in the little video below.

This one shows a close of, not of my socks this time, but of the kangaroo drinking... enjoy.

Another wildlife encounter that I did not enjoy as much, was meeting biting flies, ouch they really hurt when they bite, little devils.

Last night was my 1st night sleeping in the camper conversion Landy and very happy. super comfy.

She will make a great stealth camper on the days I don't want to set up the awnings and put up a tent. The high level side windows also allow me to see the stars while lying in bed.

Pic below shows set up with fly screen in place.



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