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Fridge for my camper

The solar panels had been on the vehicle for a few days before I finally got around to connecting them to the solar controller, which I when I discovered that the system required a fuse in the line, not supplied with the controller, drat.

A quick trip to Jaycar to buy a fuse holder and fuse..... and well I ended up buying more than just a fuse.

Jaycar is such a dangerous place to go as there are all sorts of wonderful gadgets for sale!

So, here is my new fridge.

I had done fairly extensive online searching for camping fridges and Jaycar did not pop up on any of those searches, but they actually had a good selection and they were superior (in my view) to the others on the market.

Brand: Brass Monkey

Stats: Fridge/Freezer, 50 litre duel zone fridge freezer

Price: $449 plus cover $109


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