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Little & Big Crystal Creeks

Not one of my most glamorous moments, but certainly loads of fun!

Even on an overcast slightly cool day as it was when I visited the 'Rockslides' the slide was so tempting that I had to give it a go!

But I get ahead of myself, let's go back to the beginning of the trip to Little Crystal Creek and Big Crystal Creek.

Little Crystal Creek

Located only 74 kms north of Townsville this waterhole and its historic bridge is well worth a visit.

As you step down to the creek from the road you will see one of the main swimming holes located just downstream of the historic bridge

In addition to this fabulous waterhole there are others that can be accessed by the well-formed walking trail and reading about how the bridge was built is also very interesting.

Big Crystal Creek

Located 13 kms away from Little Crystal Creek this larger creek has two popular swimming holes - the Paradise Waterhole and the Rockslides.

The Paradise Waterhole is a very large waterhole that I can imagine to be a very popular location in the hot months and looks a great location for a family picnic-hang-out-all-day.

My favourite spot - the Rockslides

This image below shows one of the many waterholes at the Rockslides location.

Doesn't the water look amazing?!!

This image taken on a grey cloudy slightly cool day in mid-August which is the dry-season here, but there was still plenty of crystal-clear water in all the pools and loads of fish as well!

At the time of this photo I was thinking to myself how nice it looked, but it was really too cold a day to go in.

THEN, I saw the rockslide, and watched a swimmer sliding down it and decided I absolutely HAD TO try that.

Because it was a grey overcast cool day I had not worn my swimsuit on the walk to the pools, but I decided that stripping down to my underwear was the trick.... in I went!

So much fun!!!!

Buy some fresh fruit on the way

This fresh fruit stall on the road up to the water holes is just so picturesque, full of wonderful fresh local produce - check it out!!

Do I recommend a detour off the main road to visit these swimming holes?

Most definitely yes!

Far better than any still image, this little video shows just how lovely these waterholes are, join me here.



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