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One mouse, there is never just one mouse

So, further to my earlier post about mice living in my Landy....

South West Queensland has been experiencing a mouse plague, as well as many other part of the country as many of you will know.

During the worst part, it was not uncommon to see mice falling onto the road from peoples cars as they pulled out onto the road...

Fruitless weeks of trying to capture the critters rather than poisoning them...

Until I recently got the point of desperation where I decided to try the traditional poison bait trap... but the smart critters were not interested in the poison bait. Not at all.

The secret

No, they don't like peanut butter... which is the bait most recommended by locals here.

Lulu the Landy's mice population (notice I said mice, not mouse) doesn't really care for peanut butter, thank you very much.

But they do like these, 'berry dusted chocolate almonds, I mean who wouldn't!

Yes, the day I baited my live-capture mouse trap with these goodies is the day I started capturing mice.

  • Day 1 - one mouse (I was very pleased)

  • Two days later = two mice in the trap

  • Next day, one mouse

  • Following night one mouse within half an hour of baiting trap

  • The morning after, another mouse.

Six mice so far... how many have been living in my Landy?

I have been letting them all go in the same field, so hopefully they can reunite and tell stories about the day they ate a berry-dusted-chocolate-almond.

I am fairly certain there is no way for new mice to enter the truck from the outside, I think the mice I have been capturing are Lulu's 'resident' mice.

Funny story

Its not just me, one of my friends here told me this morning how she placed a muesli bar in her bag to bring to work this morning, then somehow in between putting it in her bag and heading off to work, mice (a mouse) had got into her bag and chewed into her muesli bar!

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Mar 26, 2021

You're a crazy woman! Love it. 💕

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