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Join me here as I share my journey across the top of Australia via the Savannah Way
australia CLIP ART - savannagh way.png

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The Savannah Way is a 3,700 kilometre route linking Cairns in Tropical North Queensland with Broome in Western Australia

Planning your own journey across the top - you might find some of the information on the following website useful:

If you want to skip straight to the video 
scroll to the end of the page

I kept a record of the distances I travelled every day, the cost of fuel and how much I spent $$$$

Table showing days of travel and kilometres across Savannah Way.png

I love this app which shows the price of fuel anywhere in Australia and is a great tool to help you planning your journey.

I use it to find the cheapest fuel on sale in my next destination and help me to navigate to it

fuel map app screenshot.png

Across the Top Part 1

Cooktown to Litchfield National Park

Video | Across the Top Part 1

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Across the Top Part 2

I have dedicated a whole page to part two of my journey across the top: click here to navigate to that page: Savannah Way Part Two

Any questions or comments - send me a message.

Comments (1)

23 avr.

Lovely images and story - Hope rebuild in Wudgal going well

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